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John Broadus Watson (1874-1949) was the founding father of the behaviourist approach. In his most famous work 'Psychology as the behaviourist views it' he said psychology should be a purely objective experimental science. Its theoretical goal should be the prediction and control of behaviour. Introspection was to form no part of its methods. Neither was psychology's data to be dependent upon a participant's interpretation of their conscious experiences. Watson further said that 'the behaviourist, in his efforts to get a unitary scheme of animal response, recognizes no dividing line between man and brute. The behaviour of man, with all of its refinement and complexity, forms only a part of the behaviourist's total scheme of investigation' [See J. B. Watson, "Psychology as a Behaviourist Views It," Psychological Review, 20, (1913): 158-177

Watson and Rayner
Most famous work Conditioned Emotional Reactions published in 1920, better known as Little Albert. Watson and Rayner proved that phobias come about as a result of learning. Their research also suggests that as phobias are learned, they can be unlearned in terms of breaking the behaviourally faulty stimulus-response association. This is crucial theory regards behaviour therapies in that they attempt to break all types of faulty S-R connections.

Wernicke's area
Named after Carl Wernicke (1874), this is the part of our brain that allows us to comprehend speech, or what is being said to us. Discovered in the same way as Broca's area, Wernicke had a patient who could articulate speech but could not comprehend it. For the right swotty person, Wernicke's area is located in our left temporal lobe, just posterior (behind) the primary auditory cortex.

Within-subjects design
A repeated measures design is an example of a within-subjects related design used in psychological research. This is because each participant in a repeated measures design experiment provides data for all manipulations of the independent variable.

Dyslexia and Myers-Irlen
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Dyslexia & Myers-Irlen syndrome

Research into dyslexia and Myers-Irlen syndrome suggests that changing the background colour upon which words are written can often benefit the reader. If you feel this applies to you please select your preferred colour from the DMI EasiReader © below.

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