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Qualitative methods
General term for research methods used to find out about how we feel about things. Observation, interview, and case study are largely qualitative research methods used in psychology.

Data that can be analysed because it is a measure or count of something (see Quantitative below).

Data that is a measure or count of something.

A quasi experiment takes place in a field setting but the independent variable is already in place. The experimenter thus manipulates nothing. He or she measures the dependent variable nonetheless. An example of a quasi experiment would be trying to establish a cause-effect relationship between speeding and road traffic accidents. You would find four states in America adjacent to each other. They each have their own state set speed limits. Lets say 50, 55, 60 and 65 mph. These are the various conditions of your IV, which are already established. You would measure your dependent variable being incidence of road traffic accidents.

A questionnaire is a written survey often used in psychological research. A questionnaire can also be used in another research method called a case study.

Q-Sort technique
First developed by Stephenson (1953), and later by Carl Rogers (1954) in humanistic psychotherapy. The Q-Sort technique helps judge self-esteem and personal growth. It helps indicate the individuals (poor) perceived self, and ideal-self.

Dyslexia and Myers-Irlen
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Dyslexia & Myers-Irlen syndrome

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