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The Biological Approach At A Glance
The biological approach believes our thoughts, feelings and behaviours are a result of our physiology and genetics.

If you need to write about this approach it is a good idea to know a definition, and then be able to elaborate on key features. You may also be called upon to discuss applications and limitations. All this is schematically represented below. Use the glossary, as before, to help you.

The Biological approach has two traditions.

Physiological psychology and evolutionary psychology. Identify, and then define these. Then go and give some details about key features of each such as:

Physiological Psychology

Explains behaviour in terms of structures/functions of the brain, our bodily processes and functions.Greatly infuenced by functionalist and founding father of US psychology William James (1884, 1890)
Evolutionary Psychology

Explains behaviour in terms of inherited biological characteristics or genetics. Inspired by Charles Darwin.

Physiological Psychology

Anatomy of a neuron.

A Neuron is a specialized nerve cell that receives, processes, and transmits information to other cells in the body.

Important parts of a neuron include:


Synaptic knob

Myelin sheath
Anatomy of a cell
Types of neuron

Our nerves are made up of bundles of neurons. Most neurons receive information from other neurons, and pass this information on.

Neurons are of three main types.

Sensory neurons
Motor neurons

The Autonomic Nervous System

Our human nervous system consists of our central nervous system, the brain and spinal cord, and our peripheral nervous system.


Our peripheral nervous system consists of two subdivisions, the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system, which connects our brain to out outside world.

Fight or Flight?
To impress upon an examiner that you know what you are talking about you could refer to Cannon (1927) / 'Fight or Flight'. So click underlined text to get those extra marks!!

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