Gerard's Cognitive Approach Crossword  (Good Luck)

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Cognitive Approach Crossword Answers


2  We have at least six of these psychologists say!

5  Our cognitive ability to deal with one thing at a time, or all things all the time.

7  Important to episodic and semantic memory.

9  Cognitive model of the mind.

12  A schema in the right context. Stimulus discrimination.

13  Ellis cognitive psychotherapy.

14  Laws of perceptual grouping.

15  Cognition used to organise and interpret information from our world.

16  Criticism of cognitive approach. Not real.

17  Talks about modes of representation.

18  A bit of a LAD with his transformational-generative grammar!

19  Concentrated attention.

21  Beck cognitive psychotherapy.

24  Something that doesn't exist in reality, like memory.

25  We encode into STM using this.

26  Sense of balance.

27  Collective name for perception, attention, language, memory and thinking.

28  Speech comprehension centre.

29  What Koffka, Kohler and Wertheimer investigated.

30  What makes the difference between sensation and perception.


1  How we input to memory

3  Memory like a photograph!

4  Type of memory investigated by Miller.

5  Piaget's two stage process involving schema.

6  Organisation and adaptation sees us to form them.

8  Eyes, ears, nose, etc.

10 Come between stimulus and response.

11  Piaget was one.

20  Engineers think like this.

22  Another name for mediational or information processes.

23  Speech articulation centre.